الجمعة، 31 ديسمبر 2010
الخميس، 30 ديسمبر 2010
parts of flowers
Flower Parts
Flowers are important in making seeds. Flowers can be made up of different parts, but there are some parts that are basic equipment. The main flower parts are the male part called the stamen and the female part called the pistil.The stamen has two parts: anthers and filaments. The anthers carry the pollen. These are generally yellow in color. Anthers are held up by a thread-like part called a filament.
The pistil has three parts: stigma, style, and ovary. The stigma is the sticky surface at the top of the pistil; it traps and holds the pollen. The style is the tube-like structure that holds up the stigma. The style leads down to the ovary that contains the ovules.
Other parts of the flower that are important are the petals and sepals. Petals attract pollinators and are usually the reason why we buy and enjoy flowers. The sepals are the green petal-like parts at the base of the flower. Sepals help protect the developing bud.
Flowers can have either all male parts, all female parts, or a combination. Flowers with all male or all female parts are called imperfect (cucumbers, pumpkin and melons). Flowers that have both male and female parts are called perfect (roses, lilies, dandelion).
الاثنين، 27 ديسمبر 2010
|Arm bones
Arm Bones
How much do you know about bones in the human arm? Want to learn more? Check out our human body section on the human skeletal system. | ||
How much do you know about the animal kingdom? Can you classify animals? Give it a try. If you have any problems, check out our reference library section on "The Animal Kingdom." | ||
The parts of a plant / What plants need to grow
The parts of a plant Roots - Stem - Leaves - Flowers The _______ of a plant produce seeds which form new plants.The _____ make the food for the plant. They take the water and mineral salts and use them together with sunlight and carbon-dioxide to make food. The ____ is like a straw. It moves water around the plant. It raises the leaves and flowers of the plant off the ground. The ____take in water and mineral salts from the soil. They anchor the plant into the ground. |
The Human Skeleton
The Human Skeleton
How much do you know about the bones in your body? Try this activity and find out. Want to learn more? Check out our human body section on the human skeletal system. | ||
Many of us are born, live, and grow old, without ever really knowing how our body works. Our body is an amazing creation. Knowing about our body, and how it works, can help you maintain a strong and healthy body. Our body consists of many systems working individually, and together, to keep us alive. These systems include the cardiovascular system or circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system, lymphatic immune system, muscular system, nervous system, reproductive system, respiratory system, sensory system, skeletal system, and urinary system. Check out the following sections to learn more about the human body, and how it works. For more detail, also see our Human Body Video Collection.
Cardiovascular System | Digestive System | Muscular System | Nervous System | ||||||||||||||
Vertebrate animals
Animals kinqdom
There are many different types of animals in the world. Many animals are quite similar to each other. Others are quite different. Animals can be classified based on their similarities. Continue on, and learn more about your fellow Earth inhabitants. Here are some of the animals you can investigate in our Science Reference Library. The first name you read is the common name for the animal. The name in parentheses ( ) is the Latin word for the group (the phylum or subphylum or class or group or order) that scientists sometimes use to refer to animals. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
We |
الجمعة، 24 ديسمبر 2010
information about invertebrate animals
Of the million or more animal species in the world, more than 98% are invertebrates. Invertebrates don't have an internal skeleton made of bone. Many invertebrates have a fluid-filled, hydrostatic skeleton, like the jelly fish or worm. Others have a hard outer shell, like insects and crustaceans. There are many types of invertebrates. The most common invertebrates include the protozoa, annelids, echinoderms, mollusks and arthropods.Arthropods include insects, crustaceans and arachnids. Click on the picture or name of the animals below for more information. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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